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Sports Dentistry

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"Over 25 years of working and living on the premises has kept me close to my patients. Now that’s true 24-hour emergency service. It’s made a difference keeping appointments timely especially in inclement weather. I think it’s the personal service that keeps families coming back here year after year. They come from far and wide. Maybe it’s the unlimited free parking or the scenic picture windows. Maybe it's the occlusal guards. Sometimes I forget this is NYC. People are always hugging me & smiling. It makes me feel proud!" -Michael D. Kurtz, DDS, FASD

Macy's Flower Show 2014


"Complete dental care and preventive measures can extend human life ten years!" -Dr. Charles Mayo, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota

"A bright smile is without question the most convincing form of communication" -Benton


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"I read about your work in the Noveruth.JPG (21620 bytes)mber 25 issue of Newsday. I can’t express enough how wonderful it is to read about the positive efforts of New Yorkers such as yourself, instead of the usual tragic events. Your hard work and dedication have certainly inspired more community involvement among area businesses; an effort which is invaluable to our city as a whole. On behalf of all our neighbors and friends in New York , I both thank and congratulate you for all that you have accomplished , and wish you well in the future."  -Ruth Messinger, Manhattan Borough President Emeritae

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REWARD Does anyone have a Boys High School Yearbook from June, 1945?  Boys High School was located in Brooklyn, New York. I would like to look at it for 15 minutes with your permission, 646-221-3366. REWARD

Contact Information

Your friends and relatives all across America and around the world can find a affiliate dentist near them by consulting the Sports Dentistry Directory.

Your feedback is very important. We depend on your input to maintain and raise our high standards of care in the community. We need you to speak well of us to your friends and neighbors. We need you to tell them how hard we're working to make sports dentistry into one new word, sportsdentistry. Please, tell us where we need to improve. Also, if you have been referred by another healthcare provider; physician, nurse, dentist, etc. we'd like to thank them and send a report promptly. It's important for everyone to work together.

Postal address
88-34 195th Place, Hollis Park Gardens, Queens, NY 11423-2029, USA
Electronic mail
General Information: SportsDDS at SportsDDS dot com

Important News Flash
  Regular dental visits to see the hygienist may be crucial to your survival. There have been some extremely noteworthy new studies that have made a connection between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease. We now have evidence-based studies that confirm this. Below are six references to recent studies that you really should read to convince yourself: There are many studies. Our office is proud to say that our hygienists are trained in the latest treatment modality known as Arestin. It is minicycline attached to a slow-release delivery medium. Its direct application targets the population of harmful bacteria. It is cost effective and less invasive than having to have periodontal or cardiovascular surgery. Call our office for further information or to make an appointment.. E-mail this page to everyone in your e-mail address book. It may save someone's  quality of life.


Gerodontology. 2010 Jul 1. [Epub ahead of print]

             Relationship between root caries and cardiac dysrhythmia.

             Kaneko M, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H.

             Division of Preventive Dentistry, Department of Oral Health Science, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, 

              Niigata University, Gakkocho-Dori, Chuo-ku, Niigata, Japan.

J Periodontol. 2010 Jun;81(6):870-6.

              Number of teeth as a predictor of cardiovascular mortality in a cohort of 7,674 

           subjects followed for 12 years.

           Holmlund A, Holm G, Lind L.

           Department of Periodontology, County Hospital of Gle-Sandviken, 801 87 Gle, 



Atherosclerosis. 2009 Oct;206(2):604-10. Epub 2009 Apr 5.

             Oral infection-inflammatory pathway, periodontitis, is a risk factor 

           for endothelial dysfunction in patients with coronary artery disease

            Higashi Y, Goto C, Hidaka T, Soga J, Nakamura S, Fujii Y, Hata T, Idei N, Fujimura N, Chayama K

               Kihara  Y, Taguchi A.

               Department of Cardiovascular Physiology and Medicine, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, 

               1-2-3 Kasumi, Minami-ku, Hiroshima 734-8551, Japan.


New Microbiol. 2007 Jul;30(3):221-8

Periodontal disease and coronary heart disease: an epidemiological and microbiological study.

Latronico M, Segantini A, Cavallini F, Mascolo A, Garbarino F, Bondanza S, Debbia EA, Blasi G.

            Dental clinic, School of Dentistry, University of Genoa, Italy.


 Periodontol. 2007 Sep;78(9):1724-1730. Links

Periodontal Microbiota in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease Measured by Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction: A Case-Control Study.

Nonnenmacher C, Stelzel M, Susin C, Sattler AM, Schaefer JR, Maisch B, Mutters R, Flores-de-Jacoby L.

* Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, Philipps University Marburg, Marburg, Germany., Department of Periodontology, School of Dentistry, Philipps University Marburg., Faculty of Dentistry Periodontology, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil., Department of Cardiology, University Clinic Giessen and Marburg, Philipps University Marburg.



J Clin Microbiol. 2006 Sep;44(9):3313-7.

Detection of cariogenic Streptococcus mutans in extirpated heart valve and atheromatous plaque specimens.

Nakano K, Inaba H, Nomura R, Nemoto H, Takeda M, Yoshioka H, Matsue H, Takahashi T, Taniguchi K, Amano A, Ooshima T.

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry, 1-8 Yamada-oka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan.



J Periodontol. 2006 Jan;77(1):95-102.

Angiographically confirmed coronary heart disease and periodontal disease in middle-aged males.

Briggs JE, McKeown PP, Crawford VL, Woodside JV, Stout RW, Evans A, Linden GJ.

Oral Science Research Centre, School of Dentistry, Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK


Arch Intern Med. 2006 Mar 13;166(5):554-9

Periodontal infections and coronary heart disease: role of periodontal bacteria and importance of total pathogen burden in the Coronary Event and Periodontal Disease (CORODONT) study.

Spahr A, Klein E, Khuseyinova N, Boeckh C, Muche R, Kunze M, Rothenbacher D, Pezeshki G, Hoffmeister A, Koenig W.

Department of Operative Dentistry and Periodontology, University of Ulm Medical Center, Ulm, Germany.



Am J Prev Med. 2005 Dec;29(5 Suppl 1):50-6.

Tooth loss and heart disease: findings from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.

Okoro CA, Balluz LS, Eke PI, Ajani UA, Strine TW, Town M, Mensah GA, Mokdad AH.

National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia 30341, USA.


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