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Sports Dentistry Cartoons
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M. Effat Abd El-Azim,
[10] Meniette El-Seirege St., Shoubra Garden, 11241 - Cairo - Egypt, Home : (202) 2058383,
Fax: (202) 5782510/20 effatcartoon@hotmail.com
M. Effat Abd El-Azim was born in Cairo, Egypt in 1948. He holds a
B. A. from the Academy of Arts, Cairo, 1976. He works as a Cartoonist at the Akhbar El
Youm Press ?Egypt. M. Effat Abd El-Azim participated as a Correspondent of Witty
World Int. Maga. Of Cartoonists ?U.S.A. He is a member of |
Syndicate of Journalists Egypt, Syndicate of
Plastic Art Egypt, President Federation of European cartoonists organizations (FECO) of
Egypt, The Egyptian Cartoonists of Society, and The Cartoonists Club of Great Britain. He
has exhibited his work at the Goethe Institute , Cairo (1978, 87, 89, 90), Budapest
(1989, 90), U.S.A. (1994) and Istanbul (1996). M. Effat Abd El-Azim has won the following
prizes: The Taejon Int. Cartoon Contest 1995, 96, 97, 98, 2000 Honorable Mention ?
Seoul ?Korea, Cartoonists Against Crime抯 91 (C.A.C) The Grand Prize, Chicago,
Illinois, U.S.A., Consolation Prize , Bern, Switzerland 1996 and Bronze Medal, The Taejon
Int. Cartoon Contest 1999, Seoul ?Korea. Effat's cartoons are perfect gifts and can
be made to order. Effat has been referred to as the, "Leroy Niemann of Sports
Dentistry." His cartoons are useful adjuncts to anyone who lectures in Sports
Dentistry or Sports Medicine. Click here to see Effat's Cartoon
Gallery. As you enter the Sports Dentistry Cartoon Gallery please note that any
unauthorized reproduction of his work is strictly prohibited. |