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Sports Dentistry



Filippi.jpg (10370 bytes) Andreas Filippi, PD Dr. med. dent., Associate Clinical Professor of Oral Surgery, Radiology and Oral Medicine,  Zentrum fur Zahnmedizin der Universitat Basel, Hebelstrasse 3, CH-4056, Basel, Switzerland, Tel +41-61-267-2606, Fax +41-61-267-2607,

Dr. Andreas Filippi started his career at the University of Giessen in Germany. After earning his dental degree he received an appointment as Assistant Clinical Professor of

Oral Surgery from 1990 until 1998. From 1999 until the early part of 2001 Dr. Filippi served as Associate Professor Clinic of Oral Surgery and Stomatology at the University of Berne, Switzerland. He has been Associate Clinical Professor of Oral Surgery at the University of Basel ever since. Dr. Filippi is well published. He has written more than 80 national and international articles. Many of them dealing with dental traumatology. In June, 2001 Dr. Filippi presented an important paper at the World Congress on Sports Dentistry and Dental Traumatology sponsored by the International Association of Dental Traumatology and the Academy for Sports Dentistry. Along with colleagues from the School of Dental Medicine, University of Berne, Switzerland he was able to show the usefulness of a newly developed and patented titanium trauma splint (TTS).


portraitBiasca..jpg (15228 bytes) Nicola Biasca, Dr. med, Leitender Arzt Orthop�die und Traumatologie, Spital Oberengadin, CH-7503 Samedan, Switzerland, (T) +41 81 851 81 11, (T direct) +41 81 851 81 44, (Fax) +41 81 851 85 05,

Dr. Biasca is a 1988 graduate of the Medical School at the University of Zurich in Switzerland. He completed a primary surgical and orthopedic residency at the Emergency and Trauma Department of UCLA and also at the Sport
Orthopedics Department of Rothman Institute in Philadelphia. Dr. Biasca received additional postgraduate surgical training at the General Hospital of Uster and at the Department of Surgery of the University Hospital of Zurich. He received his specialty certification by the Swiss Board of Surgery in 1995. Afterwards Dr. Biasca completed a second postgraduate training program in orthopedics at the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, University Hospital of Zurich. In 1998 he received his specialty certification by the Swiss Board of Orthopedic Surgery. In 1999 he received certification by the Swiss Board of Sports Medicine. Since 1999 he has been a Staff Member of the Orthopedic University Hospital of Zurich. In December, 2001 Dr. Biasca will be the Head of the Orthopedic and Trauma Clinics of the Hospital of Oberengadin Samedan (St. Moritz). Since 1992 he has been a member of the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials and Testing and Research (INB TK 120/UK13 EMPA). Since 1993 he has been a member of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN/TC162/WG11 CEN). Dr. Biasca is member, as a physician, of Rules and Technical Committees of the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) since 1996. Dr. Biasca himself is a former ice hockey player in the Swiss National Hockey League and from 1988 has been engaged as a physician of the National Ice Hockey Association in the prevention of ice hockey related injuries. He is also member of the "International Committee for Spinal and Head Injuries" under the Chairmanship of Prof. Charles Tator since 1997. In collaboration with Prof. Dr. Yelverton Tegner, Prof. Dr. Ronny Lorentzon, Mr. Pat Clayton, Mr. John Powell and Dr. Hugo Battaglia (1996) he developed an internationally standardized Injury Report System IRS for a systematic evaluation and analysis of typical ice hockey related injuries. The intention of this project is to help improve equipment, rules, standards and training schedules. In co-operation with  Prof. Yelverton Tegner, Dr. Biasca has also just developed an International Sports Injury System "ISIS�, (FOR A DESCRIPTION OF ISIS CLICK HERE) which is an expanded computerized internet-based data version of the IRS. The ISIS gives the possibility to improve the epidemiological analysis of most sports related injuries, to make available an internationally compatible system for the continuous monitoring of risk factors, to be able to evaluate the different training methods, to evaluate the protective effects of different kinds of equipment and to evaluate the effects of changes in rules for many sports worldwide. This ISIS is an internet-based database system that makes possible to early detect any changes in injury pattern through the years. It is a valid and reliable way of documenting injuries and if used worldwide it can give very important information concerning injuries, epidemiology and treatment.Dr. Biasca has also done a lot of research for the prevention of sequelae after minor Traumatic Brain Injury mTBI. In collaboration with Prof. Tegner, Dr. Reto Agosti and Dr. Hugo Battaglia he has developed (1998) Emergency Procedures following 'minimal Traumatic Brain Injury' mTBI in ice hockey and other contact sports to prevent Second Impact Syndrome (SIS). Dr. Biasca has written many national and international articles concerning orthopedics, surgical and sports related injuries.

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Last modified: January 21, 2012