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Sports Dentistry


Al-Jundi.jpg (11473 bytes) Dr. Suhad Hussein Saleh Al-Jundi, P.O. Box 810053, Irbid, Jordan; Phone 2-7256787; E-mail:

Dr Al-Jundi graduated from the Jordan University of Science & Technology in 1989 where she received her Bachelor's degree in Dentistry. In 1992 she successfully completed a Master's degree in pediatric dentistry at Leeds University in England. She was admitted to Fellowship in the Royal College of Dentists of Canada

in 1999. Currently, Dr Al-Jundi is the Acting Chair of the Department of Presventive Dentistry at the Jordan University of Science and Technology. She was elected Treasurer of the Jordanian Society of Pediatric Dentistry in 2000. In that same year Suhad was nominated for the WHO's health prize (SASAKAWA) for her school-based dental preventive programs. She has published in Dental Traumatology; the official publication of both the IADT and the International Academy for Sports Dentistry. Her hobbies are painting, handicrafts and reading. Dr Al-Jundi is married and has three children.


Rajab.jpg (8911 bytes) Professor Lamis Darwish Rajab, PO Box 13595, 11942 Amman- Jordan, Phone 962-6-5355000 ext.: 2863, E-mail:


  • 1981: DDS, Bordeaux II – France.
  • 1982: Certificate of Higher Education; Group A (Dental Material), Bordeaux II - France.
  • 1983: Certificate of Higher Education; Group B (Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry), Bordeaux II - France.
  • 1987: PhD, Paris V - France (Pediatric Dentistry).

Academic ranks

  • 1988: Assistant professor (Department of Pediatric Dentistry-Faculty of Dentistry-University of Jordan)
  • 1998: Associate professor (Department of Pediatric Dentistry-Faculty of Dentistry-University of Jordan)
  • 2003: Professor (Department of Pediatric Dentistry-Faculty of Dentistry-University of Jordan).

Administrative positions

  • Chairman of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry-Faculty of Dentistry-University of Jordan 1991-1993.
  • Vice dean for academic and administrative affairs since 1993.


  1. Rajab L.D. Traumatic dental injuries in children presenting for treatment at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry-University of Jordan, 1997-2000. Dent Traumatol. 2003 Feb; 19(1):6-11.
  2. Rajab L.D. Clinical performance and survival of space maintainers: evaluation over a period of five years. ASDC J Dent Child 2002 May-Aug; 69(2):156-60, 124.
  3. Rajab L.D., Hamdan M.A.M. Early childhood caries and risk factors in Jordan Community Dent Health 2002; 19:224-229.
  4. Elias T., Rajab L.D. Dental fears among the students of University of Jordan. Arab Journal of Psychiatry 2002; 13(2):92-102.
  5. Rajab L.D., Hamdan M.A.M. Supernumerary teeth: review of the literature and a survey of 152 cases. International Journal of Peadiatric Dentistry 2002; 12(4):244-254.
  6. Rajab L.D., Petersen PE., Bakaeen G., Hamdan M.A.M. Oral health behaviour of schoolchildren and parents in Jordan. International Journal of Peadiatric Dentistry 2002; 12(3):168-76.
  7. Rajab L.D. Perceived sources of stress among dental students at the University of Jordan. Journal of Dental Education 2001; 65(3):232-41.
  8. Bakaeen G., Rajab L.D. Desmoplastic fibroma of the mandible: report of a case. International Journal of Peadiatric Dentistry 1999; 9(2):117-121.
  9. Hamdan M.A.M., Rajab L.D. Traumatic injuries to permanent anterior teeth among 12-year-old schoolchildren in Jordan. Accepted for publication in Community Dental Health
  10. Rajab L.D. Paediatric dental general anaesthesia: Clinical evaluation of day-stay care patients at the Jordan University Hospital. Alexandria Dental Journal 1996; 21(1):85-95.
  11. Rajab L.D. Intraseptal injection and pain control in mandibular restorative dental procedures in children: Clinical evaluation. Dirasat, Medical and Biological Sciences 1997; 24(1):60-68.
  12. Rajab L.D. Natal and neonatal teeth: Review of literature and case Reports. Cairo Dental Journal 1997; 13(2)195-199.
  13. Rajab L.D. Effects of premature loss of abscessed primary molars on premolar eruption. Alexandria Dental Journal 1997; 22(4):77-91.


Community organizational involvement

  • Member of the Jordanian Dental Association
  • Vice president of the National Society of Oral Health Care for Children

Research Projects

Part of the team conducting a comprehensive national oral health survey with the purpose of analyzing the oral health situation of the child and the adult population in Jordan, and to describe the oral health behavior profile of the population groups in the country, to assess the effect of socio-behavioral determinants in oral disease and oral health and to highlight the relative effect of oral self-care practices and use of oral health services.

The survey is taking place now with the collaboration of the WHO and supported by the University of Jordan, the Higher Council of Science and Technology, The Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education.

Language proficiency

Arabic, English, and French


Improving personal computer skills


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Copyright � 2007 Michael D. Kurtz, DDS
Last modified: January 21, 2012