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Dr. Sergio Maximilliano Bracco, Director de
Area de Saleud Deportiva, Fundacion Luis Alberto Nicolao, Posadas 1284 8p dA, C1011ABF,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, Telephone +54-11-4958-7705, Fax +54-11-4815-7222, E-mail: and |
Sergio Maximiliano Bracco : Egresado de la Facultad de
Odontolog�a de la Universidad Maim�nides (Buenos Aires Argentina) en el a�o
1996. Especialista en Endodoncia (2000) y Especialista en Pr�tesis Dental (2002). Carrera
Docente realizada en la Universidad Maim�nides cumpliendo diferentes cargos en el
Pregrado (de Ayudante a Jefe de Trabajos Pr�cticos) y en el Posgrado como Ayudante en el
curso de Especialistas en Endodoncia. Realiz� pasant�as en el Centro de Atenci�n
Odontol�gica al Discapacitado perteneciente a la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Mendoza
Argentina) Es miembro de la Asociaci�n Odontol�gica Argentina (A.O.A.) -
Asociaci�n Argentina para Personas con Discapacidad (A.A.O.D.I.) International
Academy for Sports Dentistry (I.A.S.D.) Realiz� trabajos sobre :Desobturaci�n parcial y
total de conductos - Estudio por im�genes del maxilar desdentado previo a la cirug�a
implantol�gica (caso cl�nico)- El protector bucal - La medicaci�n odontol�gica en el
deporte de alto rendimiento- Realiz� los siguientes trabajos en video: |
Valentina Ulver de Beluatti, DDS,dr. Odont.,
Independencia 644 PB., Nueva C�rdoba, 5000 C�rdoba, Argentina, Tel. 54-351-4215070,
E-mail: Dr.
Valentina graduated from the Odontology School, National University of C�rdoba, Argentina
in 1987 where she also received her Ph.D. in Odontology in 2000. In 1991 she became
Professor and Chair of Integral Kids where she |
is Chief of the Dental Trauma Team since 1991. Dr Valentina
has been a Dental Trauma Consultant to the Health Department of the City of C�rdoba since
1999. She is also a Lecturer and Official Exhibitor, Odontological Circle of C�rdoba,
Argentina. Dr. Valentina has a great passion for the study and research of Oral Trauma,
especially those involving dental displacements. She is a specialist in both Pediatric
Dentistry and Orthodontics. Dr. Valentina owns an office and her practice is directed
towards the treatment and follow-up of traumatized patients. She spends a great deal of
time in dental trauma research; primarily in the field of splints. Dr Valentina has
presented a new method to measure dental mobility and to determine the passivity of a
splint during fixation. She maintains that "there are no rigid splints. All models
allow certain mobility", so that splints can be classified into: semi-rigid and
flexible splints according to the physiological mobility they allow. Dr. Valentina has
designed a model of a new flexible splint named "Autosplint". The doctor is a
member of the International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT) and the Academy for
Sports Dentistry. She also serves as Secretary of the IADT in Argentina. Dr Valentina is
the author of several scientific publications in the field of dental traumatology and
conducts seminars and workshops. She encourages family participation in her career. Below
is an incredibly intelligent poster produced by one of her daughters. Bravo! Que viva
Argentina! |